Private beta: Join the upcoming March 2025 beta
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Achieve more with RichChat.

Empower your teams with better communication and elevate your business performance.

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The team is at the centre of your RichChat.


Message, voice call, video or push-to-talk with your team members.


Provide updates,  announcements, or emergency alerts to individuals or teams.

Explore example use cases

See how RichChat can deliver benefit to your organisation.

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Consult us

Looking to understand how RichChat can fit with your organisation and provide benefit?

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Built for enterprises

Mobile messaging, video and voice that fits with the needs of your enterprise.

Enterprises integration

RichChat offers features such as Single Sign-On (SSO), enterprise-grade API access, and customisable configurations, ensuring that it fits seamlessly into your organisation’s workflows and IT infrastructure.

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Custom branding

Creating a cohesive experience for employees and stakeholders.

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Alert API

Integrate with existing systems and workflows.

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Maintain transparency, compliance, and accountability in all communications.

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In-house storage

Enhanced control, data sovereignty, and compliance.

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RichChat mobile application

Sign-up an enterprise account, then use your email address and enterprise ID to set-up the mobile application

Available exclusively for iOS. Coming soon to the App Store.

Join the upcoming private beta of RichChat

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Private beta starting March 2025.